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DO NOT repeat my mistakes!
by Boobs_McFeely


DOSE : 10 Mg Intraocular Injection 5-MeO-W (aqueous solution)

*** Vaults of MeOW note - Intraocular or Testicular Injection are extremely dangerous routes of injesting 5-MeO-W, and should never be attempted by anyone ***

So I had finally figured out a good way to purify my 5-MeO-W, and felt confident in trying the most controversial of administration routes, intraocular injection, having tried several other methods with limited success. I went and bought a 1mL insulin syringe from the local pharmacy, emptied the contents, and replaced them with 5-MeO-W. Then came the moment of truth.

Most people think that they could handle injecting something into their own eye, but let me tell you, its just not possible. As the needle approaches, your hand starts to shake, your fear reflex kicks in, and you pull back. Because of this, I had to recruit two friends to help. One to hold me down and place fingers on my eye to keep it from moving, and the other to inject. This method of administration HURTS for the 10 seconds or so before the trip starts, so be warned. After the needle left my eye, my friends let go, and the trip immediately began.

The first effect was a strong shift of all colors towards yellow, and a tiger fur patterning on the walls and ceiling. Then, there was a growing hiss sound, and suddenly something snapped, and I was somewhere else. During this time I have no real memory of what was happening to my physical body. My friends had to hold me down on more than one occasion apparently when I saw a bird through the window and tried to chase after it. Must be some instinct thing. Anyway, back to the trip:

I felt like I was pulled out of my body, and I looked down on it from above. It was slowly dissolving, being ripped apart by billions of hungry cats, but the cats were also the cells of my body. My body was the destroyed and the destroyer. These cats all destroyed each other over what seemed like decades, until only one tiny kitten, alone amongst the destruction, remained. It meowed at me, a sad, mournful noise that I'll never forget to this day. I was listening to the eternal sadness of all creation, issuing from such a tiny creature. At this point I blacked out and don't remember what happened for the next hour or so, but my friends told me the following story:

Apparently, I managed to get away from them, and run out into the streets, during rush hour, in a fairly large city. I was screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to imitate the meow of that kitten, apparently trying to force others into my trip. They said I looked completely desperate, and was running faster than they've ever seen me run before. It wasn't long until someone called the police. My friends tried to explain it away as food poisoning, but I was still screaming that horrible meow at everyone around, as well as the officers. In addition, my eye had started bleeding, because apparently 5-MeO-W has some kind of anticoagulant effect. The officers tried to cuff me, but I clawed and bit at them, so they called for paramedics and reinforcements. It took 7 officers to hold me down, but they finally managed to get me into the ambulance.

The Aftermath:

I woke up the next day in the hospital, the only memory of the last night and day being that meow. I had been heavily tranquilized with Thorazine, but all of the doctors and nurses looked like cats made up of smaller cats in an endless fractal, threatening to drive me mad. The doctors repaired the damage to my eye, but I remained in the psych ward for the next 2 weeks meowing and occasionally spouting random nonsense, which I believed to be the secrets of the universe. Finally, I calmed down and was released. I ended up failing all of my courses at college that semester, and got funny (and fearful) looks from strangers that I must have encountered during the time that I went wild.

The Moral:

DO NOT repeat my mistakes. Intraocular injection is too dangerous a route for CP. Testicular injection is a much less dangerous and painful possibility, which I had tried before with success. I was just chasing the dragon, trying to make it stronger and stronger, when I should have stuck with normal dosages and administration methods. Please, be careful. We don't need 5-MeO-W showing up as the next big thing in Rolling Stone like 2C-T-7, and cat lovers everywhere would be very angry if their poor cats were banned because of reckless users of their sweet nectar. Take care and have a MeOWful day!

Exp Year: 2001 ID: 560
Added: Sep 6, 2001 Views: 1234

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