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The "Golden" Night
by WildCardsRevenge


DOSE : Unkown oral Tabby CPX (5X Extract)

When I first had heard about CP, i was already very experienced with shrooms, acid, DPT etc etc. Now i know what tripping is and I had my doubts that CP or 5-MeO-W could make me trip.

But i had to find out one way or another. So i tracked down a tabby and using the ShroomHermets extraction method i had my CP.

AT about 10pm I took my dose of CP and waited to see what would happen.......and waited and waited.....nothing was going on. I knew it CP was bunk! That's when i caught myself pawing the blanket i had around me.

It was so strange I mean this wasn't something i normally do, so it had to have been the CP. It was about now that everything took on a black and white colour appearance to it. If i looked at something hard enough it would have its normal colour but for the reminder of the night i was pretty colour blind.

I felt a strange need to prowl around my house and see what was going on, so i got up and stretched out and started walking around. I got to my door and rubbed up against felt so good that I had to do it a few more times. After i was finished i walked around for a little, occasionally stopping and sitting in the middle of the floor for no reason.

This quickly got boring, so walked back to my room (I rubbed myself ont he door frame again) and i started to feel really tired. SO i stretched out again and was just about to lay down when i just felt dirty, so sitting down and getting into some of my yoga positions I licked my back and legs clean once i was done. i was all ready for sleep.

Wait..........i see a moth its circling my lamp........that little bastard.....I pounce right into the wall......dam thatıs going to be hard to explain tomorrow.....but i lost interest in the moth bed sounds after stretching out again i lay down in my bed and started to hum to myself....

I fell asleep for then next 10 hours and when i woke up in the morning i felt like a whole new person.....i coughed up a few hairballs and thatıs been the only side effect so far. I have a feeling that i didn't do enough of the CP to truly experience it so in a week or two i'm going to double my dose........I'll keep everyone posted.

Exp Year: 1999 ID: 48
Added: Jul 17, 1999 Views: 4096

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