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I couldn't stop sweating
by Urbanater


DOSE : 20 Tbsp oral Persian CP (unextracted)

I have boasted about never having a bad trip before and how if you have a good sense of yourself and your well being you will be OK. Well all that changed for me today because I had a really bad one on 20 tablespoons of CP. I was lucky to have Xanax in the house and I took 5 of them, I am just coming down and feeling better. During the trip I couldn't stop sweating despite having the AC on high. That really added to the downer! . Anyway I can't explain what happened and I am hoping some others could shed some light on it ... Like I said this is a first for me and I have tripped on LSD over 100 times. This is only my 20th or so trip on CP. The CP came from an exotic Persian , I had used the push pull method to extract the CP. Quite possibly I dosed too high.

Exp Year: 2000 ID: 562
Added: Sep 9, 2000 Views: 5674

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